Journal of Economic Studies: Volume 25 Issue 1


Table of contents

More on Hawtrey, Harvard and Chicago

David Laidler

The similarities among the writings of Ralph Hawtrey, Lauchlin Currie and Milton Friedman are re‐affirmed, as is the influence of the former on what Friedman has called “the…

More on the Chicago tradition

George S. Tavlas

Offers a response to David Laidler’s article “More on Hawtrey, Harvard and Chicago”, in this issue. Asserts that the unique Chicagoan quantity‐theory of the early 1930s embodied a…


Hawtrey, Harvard and Chicago: a final comment

David Laidler

Responds to George Tavlas’ comments in “More on the Chicago tradition”, in this issue, and once again assesses the contribution of individuals to “the Chicago tradition” of the…


Evolutionary and competence‐based theories of the firm

Geoffrey M. Hodgson

This essay explores evolutionary and competence‐based theories of the firm. Evolutionary theories can be regarded as a subset of a wider class of theories, variously described as…


Economics and the natural environment: A review article

Mick Common

Familiarizes the reader with the emerging subject of ecological economics and provides an overview of how ecological economics differs from environmental and resource economics…

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  • Prof Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee