Journal of Managerial Psychology: Volume 38 Issue 3


Table of contents

Political self-efficacy matters: an investigation of how and when leader political mentoring affects follower political behavior and promotability

Chen Zhao, Zhonghua Gao, Yonghong Liu, Ou Yang

The authors propose a new motivation construct, political self-efficacy, and investigate how and when leader political mentoring influences follower political behavior and…

Co-worker undermining, emotional exhaustion and organisational commitment: the moderating role of servant leadership

Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa, Suhaer Yunus, Wee Chan Au, Ziming Cai

Not much is known about the conditions under which the negative relationship between co-worker undermining and employee outcomes may wax or wane. This study seeks to address this…

Engaging age-diverse workers with autonomy and feedback: the role of task variety

Tatiana Marques, Inês Carneiro e Sousa, Sara Ramos

The aging of the population is changing the composition of the workforce in most developed countries. With increasingly older and age-diverse workforces, organizations need to…


Doing good or looking good: how socially responsible human resource management practices influence employees' CSR-specific performance

Juan Wang, Zhe Zhang, Ming Jia

This study examines whether, how and when socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) practices increase employees' in-role and extra-role corporate social…

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  • Professor Carrie Bulger