European Journal of Marketing: Volume 28 Issue 3


Table of contents

On Rethinking Marketing: Our Discipline, Our Practice, Our Methods

Shelby D. Hunt

Rethinking marketing should start with answers to three questions: Whyhas our discipline made so few original contributions to the strategydialogue? Why have we focused on…


Hunt versus Anderson: Round 16

Donncha Kavanagh

Argues that the philosophical debate in marketing, led by Shelby Huntand Paul Anderson, is no longer providing new insights and issymptomatic of the anthropocentrism of the social…


The Consumer Rules? : An Examination of the Rhetoric and “Reality” of Marketing in Financial Services

David Knights, Andrew Sturdy, Glenn Morgan

Marketing has traditionally deployed the rhetoric of consumersovereignty and the efficiency of market relations to legitimize itsrole as an academic discipline and as a management…


Marketing – in Chaos or Transition?

Michael J. Thomas

East Europeans are asking for know‐how, particularly marketing know‐how.At this moment in time, do we have confidence in our understanding ofthe role of marketing in both its…


Marketing and Public Sector Management

Kieron Walsh

Examines the development of marketing in the public service and presentsa short discussion of the growth of marketing in public serviceorganizations over the last 20 years. A…


Market Exchange, Social Structures and Time

Geoff Easton, Luis Araujo

Two important, although neglected, dimensions of market exchange are thetemporal and the social. Exchanges, particularly those betweenorganizations, may be thought of as embedded…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall