European Journal of Marketing: Volume 45 Issue 11/12


Table of contents

Marketing measurement revolution: The C‐OAR‐SE method and why it must replace psychometrics

John R. Rossiter

New measures in marketing are invariably created by using a psychometric approach based on Churchill's “scale development” procedure. This paper aims to compare and contrast…


Avoiding measurement dogma: a response to Rossiter

Edward E. Rigdon, Kristopher J. Preacher, Nick Lee, Roy D. Howell, George R. Franke, Denny Borsboom

This paper aims to respond to John Rossiter's call for a “Marketing measurement revolution” in the current issue of EJM, as well as providing broader comment on Rossiter's…


Conceptualising the influence of corporate image on country image

Carmen Lopez, Manto Gotsi, Constantine Andriopoulos

The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of corporate image on shaping the image of its country of origin (hereafter country image).


The influence of service quality and trade show effectiveness on post‐show purchase intention

Udo R. Gottlieb, Mark R. Brown, Judy Drennan

The purpose of this paper is to develop and test an integrative services framework to investigate the role of perceived trade show effectiveness on overall trade show service…


A study of work‐family conflict, family‐work conflict and the contingent effect of self‐efficacy of retail salespeople in a transitional economy

Cristian Chelariu, Rodney Stump

The present study aims to contribute to the growing cross‐national body of literature on work‐family conflict (WFC) and family‐work conflict (FWC) issues by examining the…


The intellectual structure of the anti‐consumption and consumer resistance field: An author co‐citation analysis

Marco Galvagno

Given the variety of approaches characterising the research area of anti‐consumption and consumer resistance, the purpose of this paper is to conduct a literature review to…


Anti‐consumption as a means to save jobs

Stefan Hoffmann

The paper aims to explore how idiosyncratic motives drive participation in consumer boycotts and how the motives of different adopters (e.g. innovators, laggards) differ. The…


Consumption expressions of ideological resistance

Cristel Antonia Russell, Dale W. Russell, Peter C. Neijens

The paper focuses on resistance driven by animosity toward a country due to cultural, political, military and economic reasons. Previous research has linked animosity toward a…


Resistance to ritual practice: exploring perceptions of others

Peter Nuttall, Julie Tinson

This paper aims to contribute to the special issue theme by exploring the perceptions of anti‐consumption and resistant practices of adolescents by their peer group in the context…


Consumer resistance between conflict and cooperation: the extreme case of orphan drugs

Isabelle Chalamon

This paper aims to explore how consumer groups with limited resources and means of action are able to resist market pressures and how they are sometimes able to modify corporate…

The (post‐human) consumer, the (post‐avian) chicken and the (post‐object) Eglu: Towards a material‐semiotics of anti‐consumption

Shona Bettany, Ben Kerrane

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the potential of material‐semiotic ontology to the field of anti‐consumption research.


Intentional non‐consumption for sustainability: Consumer resistance and/or anti‐consumption?

Helene Cherrier, Iain R. Black, Mike Lee

This paper aims to contribute to the special issue theme by analysing intentional non‐consumption through anti‐consumption and consumer resistance lenses.


The Freegan phenomenon: anti‐consumption or consumer resistance?

Iryna Pentina, Clinton Amos

This paper aims to investigate collective identity construction process and applicability of resistance dimensions to the Freegan phenomenon.


“Doing the duck”: negotiating the resistant‐consumer identity

Karen V. Fernandez, Amanda J. Brittain, Sandra D. Bennett

This paper aims to examine how dumpster divers' practices and tension‐resolution strategies facilitate their construction of resistant‐consumer identities outside the dominant…


Consumer resistance and anti‐consumption: Insights from the deviant careers of French illegal downloaders

Renaud Garcia‐Bardidia, Jean‐Philippe Nau, Eric Rémy

This paper aims to study consumer resistance and anti‐consumption in the context of illegal downloading of cultural goods in France. This practice is socially constructed as…


Consumer cynicism: From resistance to anti‐consumption in a disenchanted world?

Philippe Odou, Pauline de Pechpeyrou

The purpose of this paper is to offer a new perspective on resistance and anti‐consumption literature by relating it to consumer cynicism.


Rethinking resistance and anti‐consumption behaviours in the light of the concept of deviance

Abdelmajid Amine, Yohan Gicquel

The purpose of this paper is to address an under‐researched issue in marketing, atypical consumption behaviours. More particularly it focuses on the deviant behaviours of…

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  • Prof. Greg Marshall