Journal of Communication Management: Volume 7 Issue 1


Table of contents

Public relations and communication management: Suitable subjects for management education?

Leo Murray

This paper confirms the importance of the various aspects of public relations as necessary skills for senior managers, both in the profession and in organisations, and the need to…


Learning the lesson – Speaking up for communication as an academic discipline too important to be sidelined

Jonathan Haslam

Communication skills are essential business tools, as well as a prerequisite for management of global economic organisations and effective government in complex societies…

Public relations education from an editor’s perspective

Geoff Elliott, Eric Koper

This paper discusses public relations (PR) practice from the perspective of a former editor and current senior editors in the UK to provoke a debate on PR education, particularly…

Implications of the IABC excellence study for PR education

James E. Grunig, Larissa A. Grunig

The 15‐year study of excellence in public relations and communication management in the USA, the UK and Canada produced an explanation of the value of PR to an organisation and a…


Public relations education in Britain: A review at the outset of the millennium and thoughts for a different research agenda

Jacquie L’Etang

This paper reviews the history of public relations (PR) education in the UK in the context of the process of professionalisation. Drawing on the sociology of the professions, it…

The dire need for multiculturalism in public relations education: An Asian perspective

Krishnamurthy Sriramesh

Public relations (PR) education has not kept pace with the rapid globalisation that has occurred since 1992. The existing PR body of knowledge, and PR curricula around the world…


How far do professional associations influence the direction of public relations education?

Alan Rawel

This paper examines the way in which the Institute of Public Relations (IPR), the PR professional association in the UK, has sought to influence the content and direction of…

Talent, diversity and growing expectations

Sally Sykes

This paper examines the growth of the public relations (PR) discipline in the UK with reference to some of the possible business drivers behind growth and the changing strategic…

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  • Prof Jesper Falkheimer