The Antidote: Volume 4 Issue 3


Table of contents

Why risk a crisis?

T Kippenberger

Suggests that, for managers, crises are not attractive as they cost money, damage careers, threaten livelihoods and sometimes actually take lives. States risk is the precursor of…


Internal audit and governance: the shift from control to risk

T Kippenberger

Reflects on how organizations that are acknowledged leaders in the field of risk management, have achieved pre‐eminent positions. Acknowledges risk‐based auditing is still in its…


Man‐made disasters: the failure of foresight

T Kippenberger

Investigates the stages that precede a disaster, switching the emphasis from the role of the emergency services to the responsibilities of management. Investigates three UK…


Understanding why corporate and industrial crises occur

T Kippenberger

Reckons that industrial crises are triggered by events which are specific and identifiable, and which damage the environment, property, even life. Acknowledges trigger events are…


How crises unfold

T Kippenberger

Seeks to develop understanding of how to avert, or manage and recover from, crises. Tries to widen the view to include other management failures that can result in corporate…


Measuring the effect

T Kippenberger

States the impact of catastrophes on shareholder value is not strongly influenced by the existence of catastrophe insurance, but that a catastrophe puts the spotlight directly on…

A catalogue of crises

T Kippenberger

Illustrates eleven different crises in companies to show that not only well‐known cases are problematical. Discusses each case in depth and gives details of the effects of the…

Facing different types of crisis

T Kippenberger

Identifies seven types of crises that managers face, these range from natural disasters to technology failure and encompass crises provoked by external confrontation or direct…


Reducing the impact of the unexpected

T Kippenberger

Discusses that the difference between disaster recovery and business continuity management is mostly one of scope and the disaster recovery end of the spectrum is characterized by…


Activists: sizing up the problem

T Kippenberger

Looks at pressure groups and the effect of their campaigns on organizations. Employs two checklists — the first looks at the issue from the company's viewpoint and the second from…

A guide to managing corporate crises

T Kippenberger

Explains what an organization needs to do before, during and after a crisis, and also what skills and expertise are required. Defines a crisis as an event that can destroy or…


People in a crisis

T Kippenberger

Divides corporate disasters into two kinds: soft disasters, e.g. computer‐related incidents which are non‐life‐threatening (business disasters); and hard disasters — a violent…


Kidnap, ransom and extortion

T Kippenberger

Discusses the rise in kidnappings from 6,000 a year in the 1980s to between 20,000 and 25,000 worldwide in the late 1990s. Illustrates which countries are most likely for kidnaps…




Online date, start – end:

1996 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Strategy & Leadership