Journal of Money Laundering Control: Volume 20 Issue 2


Table of contents

Blindingly obvious and frequently exploitable: Money laundering through the purchasing of high-value portable commodities

Nicholas Gilmour

The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the openness and specific techniques through which illicit funds generated by criminals are moved, transferred and…

Earnings management detection over earnings cycles: the financial intelligence in Indian corporate

Sandeep Goel

It is largely believed that stock pricing is influenced by disclosure of earnings. This motivates the corporate to exercise earnings management practices. This paper aims to…


Twelve methods of money laundering

Fabian Maximilian Johannes Teichmann

This paper aims to discuss how feasible it is for intelligent criminals to circumvent existing anti-money laundering mechanisms.


Money laundering, lawyers and President’s intervention in Zimbabwe

Prosper Simbarashe Maguchu

This study aims to analyse the effects of the Presidential Powers (Temporal Measures), amendment to the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act to include legal practitioners…

Asset recovery: a Swiss leap forward?

George Pavlidis

International asset recovery proceedings may be hindered by several obstacles, especially in the case of “failed states” or of states that experience a regime change. In this…


Well funded and dangerous: assessing the Islamic State’s financing operations

Michael Tierney

The existing literature on Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has thus far focused on the group’s contemporary or previous financing activities. However, there has not been an…

Tracking digital footprints: anonymity within the bitcoin system:

Perri Reynolds, Angela S.M. Irwin

The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse research surrounding the anonymity of online transactions using Bitcoin and report on the feasibility of law enforcement bodies…


Autoregressive-based outlier algorithm to detect money laundering activities

Kannan S., Somasundaram K.

Due to the large-size, non-uniform transactions per day, the money laundering detection (MLD) is a time-consuming and difficult process. The major purpose of the proposed…

Prosecution for illicit enrichment: the Lithuanian perspective

Skirmantas Bikelis

The purpose of this paper is to present and analyse the issues with which Lithuania is faced through its introduction of a modern legal mechanism for a more efficient confiscation…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Li Hong Xing
  • Prof Barry Rider