Journal of International Trade Law and Policy: Volume 10 Issue 3


Table of contents

The effect of business environment on trade in Gulf Cooperation Council countries

Azmat Gani

This paper aims to investigate the effect of business environment indicators (time required to start a business, time required to register a property, time required to enforce a…


European/Southern African Development Community (SADC) states' bilateral investment agreements (BITs) for the promotion and protection of foreign investments vs post‐apartheid SADC economic and social reconstruction policy

Ben Chigara

This article aims to examine the sustainability of European and SADC states' practice of agreeing bilateral investment agreements (BITs) for the promotion and protection of…

Rebalancing the balance: How the WTO's HR policy impacts on its very objectives for welfare enhancement and development

Mervyn Martin, Maryam Shademan Pajouh

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the lack of fairness in the international trading system, including the HR policies in the WTO which have wider implications on the…


The bill of lading as a document of title

Torsten Schmitz

This paper seeks to analyse the different characteristics a bill of lading holds as a document of title, including the proprietary effects a transfer of goods in transit can have…


GMOs, safety concerns and international trade: developing countries' perspective

Lekha Laxman, Abdul Haseeb Ansari

This paper seeks to provide an in‐depth discussion on the impact of agricultural biotechnology in developing and least developed countries (LDCs) as well as the concomitant…

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  • Dr James Hartigan