Journal of Family Business Management: Volume 9 Issue 3


Table of contents

The effect of internal controls on financial reporting quality in Iranian family firms

Mahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz, Mahdi Salehi, Toktam Safdel

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between internal controls weakness and financial reporting quality and the effect of family ownership on the mentioned…


When do family firms consider issuing external equity? Understanding the contingent role of families’ need for control

Martin Kupp, Bianca Schmitz, Johannes Habel

Prior research has argued that family firms are reluctant to consider external equity as a source of financing because they fear a loss of control, which would limit their…

What kind of firm do you owner-manage? An institutional logics perspective of individuals’ reasons for becoming an entrepreneur

Rodrigo Basco

The purpose of this paper is to compare the post-entry firm behavior of firms owner-managed by entrepreneurs who entered for family-oriented vs opportunity-oriented reasons.

Principles for innovation management in family firms: An analysis of long-term successful good practices with a practitioner validation of the principles

Hermann Frank, Alexander Kessler, Christine Bachner, Elena Fuetsch, Julia Suess-Reyes

Family firms (FF) reveal a considerable heterogeneity in their innovation behavior. Due to the successful long-term preservation of their innovation capacity via special resources…


Applying an organizational effectiveness approach to measure family business performance

Ralph I. Williams Jr, Torsten Pieper, Franz Kellermanns, Joe Astrachan

Current approaches to measuring family business performance have limitations: failing to acknowledge the entire family business holistically, and lacking recognition of the…

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  • Associate Professor Vanessa Ratten