Journal of Capital Markets Studies: Volume 6 Issue 3 , Open Access


Table of contents

Strategic approach to analyze the effect of Covid-19 on the stock market volatility and uncertainty: a first and second wave perspective

Emon Kalyan Chowdhury

This paper aims to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the stock market volatility and uncertainty during the first and second waves.


Financial sector and outbreak of the economic crisis in 2008: IFRS versus US GAAP

Sotirios Rouvolis

Testing a total of five hypotheses, the paper contributes to overall comparison of the two regimes, as it scrutinises whether these improvements have helped regulate this sector…


Contribution of business angel investments: evidence from Estonia

Tetsuya Kirihata

This study aims to analyze the contribution of business angels (BAs), defined as wealthy individuals who provide risk capital to entrepreneurial firms without family connections…

Socio-political factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects: the case of Ghana

Prosper Babon-Ayeng, Eric Oduro-Ofori, De-Graft Owusu-Manu, David James Edwards, Ernest Kissi, Augustine Senanu Komla Kukah

There is a pressing need to increase investments in sustainable infrastructure to promote low carbon economic growth and ensure environmental sustainability. Consequently, this…

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  • Prof Guler Aras