The Global Detection and Deterrence of Money Laundering
Crime is becoming ever more international. This is a world where it is quicker to cross the Atlantic from Paris to New York than to traverse the city of Paris by road. This world is faced with a criminality that profits by the advantages of the so‐called free world, where there are practically no frontiers any more. Whether it is drug trafficking, financial fraud or cyber‐pornography, crime has gone global on a massive scale as borders fade and cash rockets from Grand Cayman to Hong Kong, Luxembourg or Vanuatu in the flash of a second. Criminals know no geographical boundaries; nor does their dirty money recognise any such barriers.
Sandhu, H.S. (2000), "The Global Detection and Deterrence of Money Laundering", Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 336-344.
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