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Leading change towards sustainable green coal mining

Kenneth M. Mathu, Caren Scheepers

Publication date: 7 November 2016


Subject area

The dilemma falls within the Change Management, Leadership, Organizational Development subject areas. In addition, the case highlights typical issues in “green” or sustainable supply chain, corporate social responsibility and sustainability courses.

Study level/applicability

The target audience is includes post-graduate diploma-level or master’s level students, such as in Masters in Business Administration.

Case overview

The case focuses on the dilemma that Phiwokuhle Mhlangu in Mpumalanga, South Africa, faced when his company’s board had not signed off on capital expenditure to improve his colliery’s clean coal technology initiatives. He had to influence his colleagues’ mindsets to adapt to changes in the environment. The case highlights the global coal landscape and South African mining industry’s challenges in terms of infrastructure and strained labour relations, as well as the focus of the South African Government to enhance alternative energy resources. Although a clear business case for investment in clean coal technologies was evident, Mhlangu could still not persuade his colleagues to support these initiatives. A different approach was required […]

Expected learning outcomes

The learning objectives in this case are: gaining insight into the dilemmas of sustainability in coal mining by exploring various interest groups in difficult sustainability situations and enhancing understanding of getting a buy-in from various stakeholders when leading change in the coal-mining sector.

Supplementary materials

A teaching plan and particular teaching methodologies is included. The two learning outcomes are posed as questions for groups to discuss and model answers are provided and to relevant literature.

Subject code

CSS 7: Management Science



Mathu, K.M. and Scheepers, C. (2016), "Leading change towards sustainable green coal mining", , Vol. 6 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2016, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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