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Shine your light: using talent management as a driver for business success

Judith Leary‐Joyce (Judith Leary‐Joyce is CEO at Great Companies Consulting, St Albans, UK.)

Human Resource Management International Digest

ISSN: 0967-0734

Article publication date: 16 October 2009




Emphasises the close links between how a company manages its talent and lasting business success.


This paper aims to argue the case for effective talent‐management policies and practices. It also aims to describe the case for the Life Alignment Curve®, which is a process of change that high achievers can go through, learning more each time, so they can reposition themselves for the next interesting challenge.


The paper reveals that, to make the best of talent at all levels of an organization: the working culture needs to promote success behaviors; managers need to understand their role as talent scout; and high performers need to be given their head and supported to deliver innovative solutions.

Practical implications

The paper warns organizations against taking great technicians, accountants or sales people out of what they do well, to reward them with a management job they cannot do or do not want to do. It argues that these reluctant managers no longer deliver the exceptional results that delighted them and their boss, leave talented people to languish or move to a better manager elsewhere and ignore under performance, as this tough job is beyond their people skills, so they do not even try.


The paper warns against allowing the practicalities of the business to take over, especially in challenging times, so that people development goes on to the back burner, affecting performance management, reducing creativity and increasing recruitment costs.



Leary‐Joyce, J. (2009), "Shine your light: using talent management as a driver for business success", Human Resource Management International Digest, Vol. 17 No. 7, pp. 35-38.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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