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Developing Future Global Leaders' Competencies in a Business School Course: A Case Study of a Course Design Inspired by Team-based Learning

Annelise Ly (Norwegian School of Economics, Norway)

Advances in Global Leadership

ISBN: 978-1-80071-838-8, eISBN: 978-1-80071-837-1

Publication date: 26 January 2022


Future global leaders need to develop global leadership competencies (GLCs) to tackle the complexities of globalisation, not just to learn about them. While most programmes in university settings focus on study-abroad or out-of-classroom experiences to develop these competencies, it is argued that well-designed on-campus learning methods can develop GLCs successfully. This chapter reports on a course design that effectively develops these competencies in the classroom using team-based learning (TBL) (Michaelsen & Sweet, 2008). The course aims to help students practise three competencies deemed essential for global leaders: (1) the ability to demonstrate self-awareness; (2) the ability to communicate effectively when working in multicultural teams and (3) the ability to think critically. The chapter argues that using TBL to develop GLC is particularly effective, as the instruction method offers a fixed, clearly defined set of practice, i.e. weekly individual and group test, team collaboration and peer feedback that works as a semester-long experiential learning teamwork activity where the students practise, reflect and develop their GLC. The chapter provides an account of the course design, activities and assignments implemented and discusses its effectiveness. It aims to be useful for instructors who want to implement an innovative, student-centred course on global leadership.




The author would like to thank Betina Szkudlarek for her support and constructive comments along the way. She would also like to express her gratitude to Joyce Osland for her valuable comments and suggestions for improvement.


Ly, A. (2022), "Developing Future Global Leaders' Competencies in a Business School Course: A Case Study of a Course Design Inspired by Team-based Learning", Osland, J.S., Reiche, B.S., Szkudlarek, B. and Mendenhall, M.E. (Ed.) Advances in Global Leadership (Advances in Global Leadership, Vol. 14), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 227-245.



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