Special issue on accounting and popular culture

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal

ISSN: 0951-3574

Article publication date: 30 March 2010



(2010), "Special issue on accounting and popular culture", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 23 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/aaaj.2010.05923caa.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special issue on accounting and popular culture

Article Type: Call for papers From: Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Volume 23, Issue 3

Guest Editor: Ingrid Jeacle, Reader, University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, UK

The objective of this special issue is to recognise the richness in exploring the inter-linkages between accounting and popular culture. Traditionally regarded as trivial and unworthy of academic attention, research into the regular rituals that pervade the everyday is now a legitimate field of scholarly inquiry among social theorists. Accounting researchers, however, have remained relatively aloof from this general trend, preferring to seek solace in the sphere of the corporation rather than the coffee-shop. Consequently, the aim of this special issue is to broaden the scope of accounting scholarship beyond the confines of business hours, to explore, for example, the morning rituals ofgym-going or the nocturnal social activities of cinema attendance. This research direction inevitably implies moving the focus of accounting scrutiny beyond the site of the professional firm, financial intermediary or manufacturing facility to engage more directly with the media of mass culture. While the accounting discourse may not be so instantly identifiable within these unconventional contexts, the investigation should reap rich returns in furthering an understanding not only of accounting, but also of the ways and means by which accounting and auditing practices and notions of accountability permeate our everyday lives.

This special issue welcomes research which furthers an understanding of the linkages between accounting and popular culture. For example, submissions are encouraged which explore the role of accounting, audit, or forms of accountability within, but not restricted to, the following locales of popular culture:

.Leisure and entertainment:

  • The pursuit or spectatorship of sporting activities

  • The cinema-going experience

  • The home entertainment phenomenon.

.Mass media and the internet:

  • Television and radio

  • The internet and social networking sites

  • Magazines and popular fiction.

.Consumption practices:

  • Shopping

  • The dining-out, take-away, or coffee society culture

  • Budget airlines and the consumption of city breaks.

Papers can be theoretical, empirical or methodological in nature. They can adopt a historical or contemporary perspective, and draw on a range of theoretical approaches.

The submission deadline for this special issue is 1 August 2010, although earlier submissions are welcome. Manuscripts should be sent electronically by e-mail (in a Word file format) to the Guest Editor: Ingrid.jeacle@ed.ac.uk All papers will be reviewed in accordance with AAAJ's normal processes.

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