Starting the second year of the Baltic Journal of Management

Baltic Journal of Management

ISSN: 1746-5265

Article publication date: 16 January 2007



Pundziene, A. (2007), "Starting the second year of the Baltic Journal of Management", Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 2 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Starting the second year of the Baltic Journal of Management

This issue consists of seven research articles as contribution from six countries – Estonia, UK, Lithuania, Poland, Ghana and Finland. This issue is special due to its more then ever strong focus on Financial topics – “Valuation of private companies by Estonian private equity and venture capitalists” by Priit Sander and Margus Kõomägi, Estonia, “Polish financial reporting principles in transition” by Dariusz Lesko, Poland and “Determinants of capital structure of banks in Ghana: an empirical approach” by Mohammed Amidu, Ghana.

The other two articles focus on culture research issues – “Attitudes toward society, organisations, and work in the electronics industry in Finno-Ugrian countries” by Ruth Alas, Vincent Edwards, Estonia and UK as well as “Action research as culture change tool” by Romualda Marcinkoniene, Tauno Kekäle, Lithuania and Finland.

Also the issue contain one article on leadership – “Leadership in different kinds of regional development networks” by Vesa Harmaakorpi and Harri Niukkanen, Finland and one consumer behaviour – “Modelling relationship quality in the parcel delivery services market” by Tomas Palaima, Vilte Auruskeviciene, Lithuania.

The geographical regions of authors' origin as well as topics are quite diverse, however all of the articles could be specified by three main keywords: emerging markets, growth and change. Some of the articles are of comparative nature and give excellent feeling on cross-cultural particularities among three Finno-Ugrian countries (Finland, Estonia and Hungary), some of the articles provide the reader of in-depth analyses of national cases – Poland, Ghana, Finland and Lithuania. National cases are a good opportunity to share and to learn from the unique experience.

The articles are followed by the book review “Estonia, the New EU Economy. Building a Baltic Miracle?” edited by Helena Hannula, Slavo Radoševic and Nick von Tunzelmann (2006), Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire as well by the review of the International conference “Modern Management Research in the Context of European Research Area (MMRC-ERA2006)” revealing the scope and results of the conference.

The conference will result with the special edition of the Baltic Journal of Management. The special edition of the BJM is Guest Edited by Prof. Rolv Petter Amdam (BI Norwegian School of Management, Norway) and Prof. Rainhard Lang (Chemnitz Technical University, Germany). Readers can expect the special edition in May 2007.

All our editorial team hope that you will find the Baltic Journal of Management interesting and looking forward to see you among the authors of the future issues.

Asta Pundziene

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