Special issue on Social issues in banking

International Journal of Bank Marketing

ISSN: 0265-2323

Article publication date: 1 March 2011



(2011), "Special issue on Social issues in banking", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 29 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijbm.2011.03229baa.003



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special issue on Social issues in banking

Article Type: Call for papers From: International Journal of Bank Marketing, Volume 30, Issue 2

Guest Editor: Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Griffith Business School, Griffith UniversityCo-Editor: Cheryl Leo, Griffith Business School, Griffith University

Some definitions of social responsibility (e.g. Carroll, 1991, 1999) consider Friedman's (1962) economic requirement as a foundation, suggesting that legal, ethical and philanthropic considerations should be catered for, once the economic responsibility of a firm is fulfilled. These views have been challenged. More liberal stances suggest that the true purpose of corporations is to make societies better off, and to create societal wealth (Cohan, 2002). This liberal stance is in stark contrast with Friedman's (1962) view suggesting that there is little benefit in making a profit if it is not sustainable. The recent US credit crunch provides a case in point of the need for sustainability in the banking and financial sector. The US government resumed control of the two largest lenders in the USA (Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae), when 100,000s of US families faced loan foreclosures and the banks threatened to collapse. The USA was not the only country faced with the need for government to rescue banks. Business practices involving extending unsustainable levels of credit created chaos with significant societal and economic implications across the globe.

The goal of this special issue is to bring together research that is theoretically innovative and well grounded to provide deeper insights into how the sector has evolved and will continue to evolve. In line with the nature of the journal, the articles will provide insight for academics and practitioners alike, so that understanding can be enriched. Contributions that would be welcome for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Sustainable banking practice

  • Sustainable consumption

  • Environmental regulation

  • Social responsibility and banking

  • Ethical banking practice

  • Social banking practice

  • Cross-cultural aspects of sustainability in banking

  • The role of credit in over-consumption and materialism.


Carroll, A.B. (1991), "The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders'', Business Horizons, Vol. 34, pp. 39-49.

Cohen, J. (2002), "'I didn't know' and 'I was only doing my job':

has corporate governance careered out of control? A case study of Enron's information myopia'', Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 40,

pp. 275-99.

Friedman, M. (1962), Capitalism and Freedom, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

Deadline for submission: 30 November 2011

The special issue is scheduled to be published: mid-2012

Manuscripts following the journal's manuscript guidelines (www.emeraldinsight.com/ijbm.htm), should be submitted using Scholar One's Manuscript Central online submission system.

This is accessible at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijbm Manuscripts must be original work (theoretical, empirical or case study) and not under consideration by any other journal or publication outlet.

The initial submission will be reviewed by the Guest Editor and, if deemed suitable, then placed for double-blind review with experts in the field.

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