
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

ISSN: 1471-5201

Article publication date: 18 December 2009



Deacon, J.H. (2009), "Editorial", Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 11 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/jrme.2009.48411aaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Editorial From: Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Volume 11, Issue 1

Hello and welcome to Volume 11 of the Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. This volume represents a transition period for the journal for several reasons.

First, it marks a change of Editor, as I take over from Dr Vincent Pascal of Eastern Washington University. The Editorial Board, and indeed all those who are inquisitive about knowledge development at the “interface”, owe Dr Pascal a great deal of gratitude for his hard work and perseverance over the past few years, for without the support of a publisher the effort it has taken to bring this journal to fruition has been outstanding. In doing so he has of course enabled the continued development of JRME as a valuable depository for thought leadership within the domain. I would like to publicly express my thanks to Vince, who has over the years become a good friend and research colleague, for his efforts, hard work and stewardship.

Second, this volume heralds a new chapter in the development of the journal and the domain of research at the interface, as we become one of the family of journals published by Emerald. This move is a significant step change for the journal, as we now have the support of a highly professional and entrepreneurial publishing house to assist in our development and dissemination.

It is, however, important for me as Editor to acknowledge the founding Editors and Editorial Board in this transition. David Carson and Gerald E. Hills as founding Editors had the insight and wisdom in 1999 to create a platform for a generation of researchers to explore and debate the “interface” between marketing and entrepreneurship. In choosing to launch JRME they not only created a journal, but they have enabled those of us who have followed to have confidence in our thoughts, to challenge the “normative” view and to publish our work: to become better researchers, authors and academics. The move, then, to Emerald is a vindication of their original thought and allows our “interface” community to mature and gain acceptance within the wider research community independent of the polarity and exclusivity all too often espoused within the domains of marketing and entrepreneurship. I am aware that as I take on the role as Editor I do so as a custodian of their origination and would wish to publicly thank both for their support of me in my research career thus far.

Third, this issue recognises changes amongst the Editorial and Review Board. In acknowledging the founding Editors I must also extend a vote of gratitude to those who have been unswerving supporters of the journal through their hard work acting as Editors and Reviewers. Over the next few issues it is my aim to invite long serving members of the board to share with us views of the “interface” and commentaries on how their work has evolved. There are others that have stood aside and so on behalf of the Board and the research community I extend a thank you for past efforts and support given to JRME.

Finally we transit from a single issue a year to two volumes a year. This transition of course means that as Editor I have to encourage researchers to consider JRME as a vehicle for the public dissemination of their work, and as such I extend a call to anyone working within and between the domains of marketing and entrepreneurship to submit their work to me for consideration. The ethos of the journal will not change under my editorship: that we encourage work from an international audience, work that stimulates and work that challenges – I especially encourage work from those who are new to our community and those who have not contributed here for some time.

In closing, I again would like to thank Vince Pascal for his work on behalf of the journal and Andrew G. Smith and the team at Emerald for their ongoing support.

Jonathan H. Deacon

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