Sustainable Nuclear Power (Sustainable World)

Management of Environmental Quality

ISSN: 1477-7835

Article publication date: 29 February 2008



(2008), "Sustainable Nuclear Power (Sustainable World)", Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 19 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Sustainable Nuclear Power (Sustainable World)

Galen J. Suppes and Truman StorvickAcademic PressBurlington, MADecember 2006416 pp.ISBN-13: 978-0123706027US$ 59.95

By 2050, the world’s population is expected to reach 10 billion. In the same time, industrial activity will increase by at least three times. Whether considering the use of hydrogen fuel cells or continuing with current energy techniques, nuclear power is the only sustainable energy option available for large-scale development to help meet future energy needs with minimal affect to the environment. This realisation has sparked renewed interested in this method of energy generation.

Sustainable Nuclear Power addresses the safety and disposal issues that have plagued the development of the nuclear power industry for almost two decades and evaluates modern advances. This book brings together the experience of two active and experienced engineers to present the technical side of nuclear power as a safe, abundant, and sustainable energy source, which should be utilised to fulfil our energy needs.

The book provides non-nuclear engineers, scientists and energy planners with the necessary information to understand and utilise the major advances in the field. It also demonstrates that nuclear fission technology has the abundance and attainability to provide centuries of safe power with minimal greenhouse gas generation. It also addresses the safety and disposal issues that have plagued the development of the nuclear power industry and scared planners and policy makers as well as the general public for more than two decades. In addition, the authors provide a companion web site which gives access to government reports and case studies. There is no need for the reader to have a background in nuclear science! This book guides engineers, scientists and energy professionals through a concise and easy-to-understand overview of key safety and sustainability issues affecting their work. It details the very latest information about today’s safest and most energy-efficient reactor designs and reprocessing procedures.

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