Personnel Review: Volume 33 Issue 3

A Journal of People, Work, and Organisations


Table of contents

The times they are a‐changing: who will stay and who will go in a downsizing organization?

Bernadette Cross, Anthony Travaglione

Human resource management has entertained the rise of downsizing as a strategy for producing visible improvements to organizations. However, the history of downsizing has failed…


Person‐organization value congruence, burnout and diversion of resources

Marc Siegall, Tracy McDonald

One‐hundred‐thirty‐five university faculties participated in a survey‐based study of burnout. This study investigated the role of person‐organization value congruence on the…


Between a rock and a hard place: The dilemmas of managing part‐time working in the police service

Penny Dick

The expansion of part‐time or reduced hours working into skilled, managerial and professional jobs is increasing. This expansion is generally viewed positively. Not only does it…


Effects of performance appraisal politics on job satisfaction and turnover intention

June M.L. Poon

There is evidence that performance ratings are often manipulated for political purposes. The present study examined the effects of employees' perceptions of political motives in…


Profit sharing, firm performance and union influence in selected European countries

Daryl D'Art, Thomas Turner

Schemes of profit sharing and employee share‐holding have a 19th century origin. The objects of profit sharing vary according to its proponents. The primary focus of this paper…


Managing customers as employees of the firm: New challenges for human resources management

Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley

This paper discusses the role that customers play as human resources in service‐based organizations. These involve situations where a customer replaces a more traditional employee…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Eddy Ng
  • Professor Pauline Stanton