Management Research News: Volume 25 Issue 6/7


Table of contents

Chief ’Ntrepreneur Officers (CNOs) in high‐risk, high‐returns decisions of countries and corporations

George K. Chacko

Studies five successful chief ’ntrepreneur officers (CNOs) together with one failure. Looks at why the CNO is indispensable. Presents 36 characteristics of CNOs across six groups…

Customer perceptions of services brands: a case study of the three major fast food retailers in the UK

Peter Jones, Peter Shears, David Hillier, Colin Clarke‐Hill

Briefly covers the development of the “brand” concept in marketing before looking at the experience of the service brand. Outlines the development of the fast food sector in the…


Let the auctioneer/manager beware

Stephen Potter, Chris Lovatt

Analyses the law covering the role of the management of auction sales and the implications they bring. Explores the legal obligations of the parties to an auction sale with…

Effective hiring

Rashmila Gurumurthy, Brian H. Kleiner

Provides a framework for managers to approach the hiring process effectively. Looks at job analysis and the legal position when advertising and hiring new staff. Covers the…


Course content or the instructor: which is more important in on‐line teaching?

William Drago, Jimmy Peltier, Donald Sorensen

Explores the impact and relative importance of course content and the role of the instructor on measures of effectiveness for online courses. Uses items from a standard…

Wanted: business leaders in a haywire future

James Poon Teng Fatt

States that the changing nature of business in an expanded international economy needs a change in business leadership. Suggests that the changing nature of the main components of…



Online date, start – end:

1978 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited