Equal Opportunities International: Volume 4 Issue 4


Table of contents

Comparable Worth Measurement: Are Job Evaluation Measures Adequate?

Robert M. Madigan

The feasibility of using job evaluation procedures to establish non‐biased pay structure is a central issue in the debate over comparable worth. Results of two investigations…

Sexual Harassment in Britain

Heather Hemming

Further research on sexual harassment at work is necessary to persuade management to implement policies and grievance procedures covering this area in the workplace…

The Single Child Family and its Impact on the Economic Roles of Women in China

Suk‐ching Ho

Participation in various kinds of production is an important way for women to raise their economic status in China. However, this is dependent on the level of their labour…


Volume 19 Number 3 of Sociology contains two articles of interest. In the first, entitled “Integrating Women into Class Theory”, Angela Dale, G. Nigel Gilbert and Sara Arber…

Affirmative Action: Australian Attempts to Remove Disadvantage

Robin Kramar

The implementation of the Australian government's affirmative actioning proposals, promoting equal treatment for women in organisations, will reduce some elements of disadvantage…


The Contribution of the European Economic Community to Equality Between Women and Men

Morag Alexander

The three equality Directives binding on EEC member states, draft legislation, the Action Programme 1982–1985 and numerous other initiatives, demonstrate the substantial…

Meeting the Challenge ‐Women's Training and Development in the UK

Ann Cooke

Women's increased participation in the workforce over the last ten years is clearly reflected in the growth and widening scope of the Women and Training Group, set up in 1979 with…



Online date, start – end:

1981 – 2009

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Emerald Publishing Limited