Marketing Intelligence & Planning: Volume 23 Issue 2


Table of contents

Disseminating academic research information to marketing practitioners: The receiver's perspective

Brendan J. Gray, Geir Grundvåg Ottesen, Sheelagh Matear

It is well known that the results of academic marketing research are not widely used by practitioners. This is attributed to a range of factors including language barriers and…


Customer relationship management: the case of a European bank

Adam Lindgreen, Michael Antioco

To convert the principle of customer relationship management (CRM) into practical guidelines for best practice in the implementation of a CRM programme in the real world.


The “telescopic observations” framework: an attainable strategic tool

George Panagiotou, Riëtte van Wijnen

Proposes a radical alternative to SWOT analysis. Without rejecting the value of that venerable framework, it re‐focuses it in such a way as to enhance intelligence gathering and…


A positioning strategy for a tourist destination, based on analysis of customers' perceptions and satisfactions

Essam E. Ibrahim, Jacqueline Gill

The objectives of this research study were to measure the perception and satisfactions of consumers of the tourism product of Barbados, and to identify potential niche markets…


An internet‐based approach to environmental scanning in marketing planning

Reinhold Decker, Ralf Wagner, Sören W. Scholz

This paper introduces a new approach for autonomous internet‐based environmental scanning, which combines concept of weak signals with “information foraging theory”.


The influence of export information use on export knowledge and performance: Some empirical evidence

Kjell Toften

To test empirical relationships between export market information use and export knowledge and export performance.


Shoppers' satisfaction levels are not the only key to store loyalty

Mario J. Miranda, László Kónya, Inka Havrila

To identify the factors that influence shoppers' satisfaction with their “primary” grocery store, and those that encourage them to continue patronising it despite being presented…

Cover of Marketing Intelligence & Planning



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  • Dr Babu John-Mariadoss