Managerial Auditing Journal: Volume 7 Issue 4


Table of contents

White Knights, Greenmail and the Poison Pill

Alan R. Malachowski

Presents a preliminary assessment of the moral implicationsof hostile takeovers. Argues that prevalent verdicts are premature, andthat we should withhold judgement in this regard…

Internal Audit after Maxwell and BCCI: Public Responsibility versus Loyalty to the Organization

Gerald Vinten

Discusses the BCCI scandal, with particular reference to the partplayed by auditors Price Waterhouse. Declares the IIA Position Paper onWhistleblowing to be inadequate and urges…

Critical Issues in Public Sector Auditing

James Guthrie

Seeks to provide an overview of the direction of change and toassess the “success” of performance auditing in Australia inthe last decade. Identifies the tension between the…


Accountability, IIA‐UK Style: An Example not to be Imitated

Gerald Vinten

Reports the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Institute ofInternal Auditors‐UK on 10 March 1992, which was called at short noticein order to discuss the resolution of the…

Auditing Practices in Singapore

See Liang Foo

Surveys by questionnaire the accounting profession and auditingpractices in Singapore: development of the profession; major influencesand practices.

Auditing Mergers and Acquisitions – Caveat Emptor

Stan Lees

Adapted from a major study of acquisitions made by Britishcompanies both in the UK and in the USA, draws some important lessonsfor all involved in the acquisition process, and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Jie Zhou