Journal of Consumer Marketing: Volume 21 Issue 1


Table of contents

Public privacy and politics

Catharine M. Curran, Jef I. Richards

Invasion of privacy is a serious, and sometimes frightening, concept for many people. It can evoke images of big brother, in the form of big business, knowing your most intimate…


Consumer attitudes toward marketing in a transitional economy: a replication and extension

Tsang‐Sing Chan, Geng Cui, Geng Cui

Burgeoning consumerism in transitional economies has significant implications for both multinational corporations and local companies. Based on a survey of four cities in mainland…


Annoying, intrusive, … and constitutional: telemarketing and the national Do‐Not‐Call Registry

Chester S. Galloway, Steven P. Brown

The recent adoption by the US Federal Trade Commission of the national Do‐Not‐Call Registry prohibiting most telemarketers from contacting individuals once their number is added…


The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image

Eva Martínez, Leslie de Chernatony

The objective of this paper is to analyze the effect that a brand extension strategy has on brand image. Specifically, the paper analyzes how variables related to the parent brand…


Interlinear or inscription? A comparative study of Chinese and American mall shoppers’ behavior

Fuan Li, Nan Zhou, J.A.F. Nicholls, Guijun Zhuang, Carl Kranendonk

This study compares the mall shopping behavior of Chinese and US consumers. Marked differences wee found between the two populations in their shopping motives, criteria for…


Building loyalty at Things Remembered

Terry Mulhern, Dennis Duffy

Customer loyalty programs have become increasingly popular in a variety of industries. Marketers use loyalty‐building strategies to help improve customer retention and boost share…

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  • Neel Das
  • Mujde Yuksel