Journal of Services Marketing: Volume 4 Issue 4


Table of contents

Service‐oriented Thinking and its Implications for the Marketing Mix

Mary H. Beaven, Dennis J. Scotti

Argues that a cognitive bias is found in the language used todescribe services, since services are defined in relation tomanufacturing. Proposes that services should be accurately…


Hating to Wait: Managing the Final Service Encounter

Paula J. Haynes

Suggests that while businesses have made great efforts to reducethe length of time customers wait for service, little attention has beenpaid to the actual experience of waiting…


The Intangibility of Services: Measurement and Competitive Perspectives

Gordon H.G. McDougall, Douglas W. Snetsinger

Explains how tangibility can be a useful concept for the servicesmarketer, enabling a firm to identify its position relative tocompetition by measuring tangibility at various…


Affluent and Nonaffluent Consumers′ Needs: Attitudes, and Information‐Seeking Behaviour in the Financial Services Marketplace

Edward G. Thomas, S.R. Rao, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi

Considers the proliferation of products and services in thefinancial services industry aimed at different market segments.Highlights the affluent and nonaffluent market segments…


The Framing of Purchase for Services

Scot Burton

Illustrates, through both actual and hypothetical examples, theimportance to services marketers of recent empirical and theoreticalwork on decision framing. Suggests that services…

Organizational Barriers to Creativity...and How to Knock Them Down

Arthur R. Klein

Considers the relevance of creativity to marketing and advertising.States that since creativity involves risk, organizations may beactually penalizing creativity or rewarding its…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Rebekah Russell-Bennett
  • Dr. Mark Rosenbaum