International Journal of Public Sector Management: Volume 7 Issue 5


Table of contents

Costing and Pricing of Police Services

Dwight Edmonds, Douglas McCready

Examines the principles which underlie the costing of policeservices when these services do not fit the rubric of being purely“public” goods. In such instances, it is necessary…


Managing Public Relief Programmes via the Privatization Paradigm : An Exploratory Discussion

Stephen Hogan, Rebecca Porterfield, Steve Robinson

Addresses the general issue of the effective management of publicrelief programmes. Proposes that in the search for an appropriateguiding framework, public administrators could…


Managing the Stress of Change in the Public Sector

Marie McHugh, Shirley Brennan

Outlines some of the dramatic changes which have had an impact onpublic sector organizations in the United Kingdom, and the likelyeffects for employees. Argues that enhanced…


Initiating Effective Consumer Research to Support Strategic Decision Making in Local Authorities

David F. Birks

There is great emphasis in local authorities for strategydevelopment to reflect the characteristics and views of a localpopulace. Initiating research which effectively supports…


The Illusion of Three‐tier Federalism: Rethinking the Nigerian Local Government System

Victor Ayeni

Attempts a critical evaluation of the theoretical foundation of thelocal government system in Nigeria. Re‐assesses Nigeria′s idea ofthree‐tier federalism both as a theory of…


Party Politics and Spending Decisions in Local Authorities

M.M. Ibrahim

Attempts to answer the question “Does politics make anydifference?” by comparing the total spending of local authoritiesunder three types of political control over seven years…

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  • Professor Rocco Palumbo