International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 2 Issue 3


Table of contents

Truths and Myths in Service Quality

Evert Gummesson

Truths and myths in service quality are presented under fiveheadings. The first concerns the alleged differences and similaritiesbetween goods and services and what impact these…


Scandinavian Management and the Nordic School of Services‐Contributions to Service Management and Quality

Christian Grönroos

The contribution of academic research into service management,service quality and the marketing of services in Scandinavia and Finlandis reviewed and evaluated. The importance of…


The Significance of Information Technology for Service Quality: From Market Segmentation to Individual Service

Johan Olaisen, Øivind Revang

How information technology is rapidly becoming necessary forachieving quality in the airline industry is focused on. Three levels ofservice quality management are proposed in a…


Technology, Design and Service Quality

Jane Kingman‐Brundage

Technology as a key dimension of service quality has generally beenoverlooked. When embedded in organisation culture, technology creates acompetitive advantage sustainable over…


The Service Factory: A Future Vision

Richard B. Chase

The “service factory” has been proposed as a newapproach to manufacturing strategy. The information, problem‐solving,sales and support dimensions which underlie a service factory…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited