International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 5 Issue 4


Table of contents

Quality in Retail Banking

R.F. Blanchard, R.L. Galloway

Quality is increasingly being seen as a key strategic differentiatorwithin the financial services sector in the UK, with most major playersundertaking some form of quality…


The Development of New Financial Services: Identifying Determinants of Success and Failure

Scott Edgett, Steven Parkinson

Although the service sector has gained increasing importance in oureconomy, very little attention has been paid to how firms actuallydevelop new services. Reports on an…


Prioritizing the Dimensions of Service Quality: An Empirical Investigation and Strategic Assessment

L. Drew Rosen, Kirk R. Karwan

Much of the earlier empirical work in service management has suggestedthat the dimensions of service quality may be stable in terms of theirrelative importance. In particular, the…


Statistical Methods for Monitoring Service Processes

Michael Wood

The techniques of statistical process control (SPC) are designed tomonitor production processes in order to prevent the production of wasteand improve the quality of future…


Cumulative Encounter Satisfaction in the Hotel Conference Process

Peter J. Danaher, Jan Mattsson

Prior studies of how service quality evolves during the service deliveryprocess either have used aggregate case data or have not obtainedobjective measurements of the actual…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

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Emerald Publishing Limited