Women in Management Review: Volume 16 Issue 1


Table of contents

Workplace flexibility: reconciling the needs of employers and employees

Alison Sheridan, Lou Conway

The rapid expansion in part‐time employment in Australia over the past two decades has largely been driven by organisations’ desire to achieve numerical and functional flexibility…


The career motivation of female executives in the Hong Kong public sector

Alicia S.M. Leung, Stewart R. Clegg

Reports a study of female executives (n = 30) working in the public sector in Hong Kong. The research captures a set of organisational practices in transition: from a colonial to…


Restructuring workplace cultures: the ultimate work‐family challenge?

Suzan Lewis

Work‐life polices and practices have the potential to enhance opportunities for women in the workplace (and opportunities for men to be more involved in family life), but are…


Women middle managers’ perception of the glass ceiling

Janet Cooper Jackson

Women now represent approximately half of the working population in the USA. In 1996, the US Department of Labor reported that women comprised 44 percent of the total persons…




Renamed to:

Gender in Management

Online date, start – end:

1985 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited