Women in Management Review: Volume 2 Issue 3


Table of contents

How performance appraisals hurt women managers

Roger Bennett

The men who make the decisions about whether to promote a woman are often prejudiced, notes Roger Bennett. He considers how women can manage the disadvantage, looks at the…

The games women play: simulation and women's networks

Barbara B. Stern

Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Barbara Stern sets out three games for women in networks to play to…

Women meaning business

Ana Novaković

What's different about women who run their own businesses? And what made them want to strike out on their own? Ana Novaković talked to some women entrepreneurs to find out what…

Should I, shouldn't I . . ?

Juliana Morgan

Running your own business is an idea many women are attracted to. But it's also quite a frightening prospect. How do you make a decision over such a big question? Ideally, it…

Enter the entrepreneuse

Jane Skinner

Why is Jane Skinner starting a women's enterprise agency at the Aston Management Centre, where she is Director of Post Experience Studies? Not only because there's a strong demand…

All managers under the skin: how women can learn to act like successful managers without losing their own identities

David Gaister

One of the challenges to women entering management today is that the role models available to them are predominantly male. Just as an Englishman learning, say, Italian solely from…

How do women influence their subordinates?

Tricia Vilkinas

Lecturer in the Department of Management at the University of Newcastle, Australia, Tricia Vilkinas surveyed successful women in the Australian health service and compared their…



Renamed to:

Gender in Management

Online date, start – end:

1985 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited