Women in Management Review: Volume 22 Issue 5


Table of contents

Enabling the career development of female managers in finance and retail

G.A. Maxwell, S.M. Ogden, D. McTavish

In the UK financial services and retailing sectors there is a clear anomaly between the numbers of females employed and their representation at management levels. The aim of this…


Getting gender on the agenda: the tale of two organisations

Sara Charlesworth, Marian Baird

This paper aims to explore emerging issues in the application of the “dual agenda” model of gender equitable organisational change aimed at improved work life outcomes in two…


Career priority patterns among managerial and professional women in Turkey: Benefits of putting career first?

Ronald J. Burke, Mustafa Koyuncu, Lisa Fiksenbaum

This research aims to examine potential antecedents and consequences of different career priority patterns among managerial and professional women working in a large Turkish bank…


Perceived mentoring functions: does mentor's gender matter?

David E. Okurame

The study aims to examine the impact of mentor's gender on perceived mentoring functions in the Nigerian work environment.




Renamed to:

Gender in Management

Online date, start – end:

1985 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited