Journal of Applied Accounting Research: Volume 11 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Voluntary disclosure narrative: Use, users and usefulness

Guest Editors: Richard Slack, Philip Shrives

Voluntary disclosure narratives: more research or time to reflect?

Richard Slack, Philip Shrives

This editorial aims to provide an overview of the four papers included in this special issue. It discusses the development of voluntary disclosure research and its potential…


Exploring the use and users of narrative reporting in the online annual report

N. Rowbottom, A. Lymer

The purpose of this paper is to explore who uses narrative reporting information contained within online corporate annual reports and assess the relative use of different types of…


Large share price movements, the disclosure of news and corporate governance: Implications for disclosure rules

Nick Collett, Elisabeth Dedman

The paper aims to examine the link between firm‐level large share price movements, firm‐specific company announcements and corporate governance. Stock market regulation in the UK…


An examination of voluntary financial instruments disclosures in excess of mandatory requirements by UK FTSE 100 non‐financial firms

Matthew Bamber, Kevin McMeeking

The purpose of this paper is to address “the existing literature gap on the information content of derivatives reporting”. Prior work finds failings in compliance with mandatory…


Disclosure quality and stock returns in the UK

Khaled Hussainey, Sulaiman Mouselli

The purpose of this paper is to update and re‐examine the role of corporate narrative reporting in improving investors' ability to better forecast future earnings change. The…

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  • Associate Professor Orthodoxia Kyriacou