Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics: Volume 17 Issue 2


Table of contents

A study of the extent of Westernisation in Indian magazine advertisements

Durriya H.Z. Khairullah, Zahid Y. Khairullah

India gained her political independence in 1947 from British rule. The new democracy chose non‐alignment, installed a large national government and legislated protectionist…


Looming cognition for global competition: the approaching avian influenza pandemic

John Overby, Mike Rayburn, David C. Wyld, Kevin Hammond

Epidemiologists are concerned the next deadly global cognition will be a new kind of deadly flu which humans have no resistance. Since the 1960s, their alarm has been focused on a…


Proposing a non‐traditional ordering methodology in achieving optimal flexibility with minimal inventory risk

Ooi Chee Keong, M.M.H. Megat Ahmad, N. Ismail S. Sulaiman, M. Yusuf Ismail

In this article a proposal of a non‐traditional methodology in achieving optimal flexibility with minimal inventory risk will be applied. The non‐traditional methodology will be…


Country images of technological products in Taiwan

Sadrudin A. Ahmed, Alain d’Astous, Christian Champagne

This article presents the results of a survey of 202 male Taiwanese consumers. In this study, consumer judgements of two technological products varying in their level of…

Advertiser acculturation in Japan: examples from foreign actors

Drew Martin

Recent work on advertising acculturation suggests that ad agencies have changed their messages in order to appeal to immigrants. The following inquiry turns the tables and looks…

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  • Prof Ian Phau