The Antidote: Volume 5 Issue 3


Table of contents

The changing world of work

T Kippenberger

Discusses various countries’ employment, work practices and structures of organizations, stressing it is by no means a comprehensive checklist. Covers Japan; plus Germany, The…

Now time zone is more important than geography

T Kippenberger

Looks at the future of communications in the 21st century — following the 19th century transport revolution and the 20th century people movement — stating the transport of ideas…


That was the future that wasn’t

T Kippenberger

Employs Charles Handy’s predictions from 1989, from his book ‘The Age of Unreason’. Further emphasizes these predictions with a highlighted panel listing the predictions for…

What are the fundamental changes taking place?

T Kippenberger

Proposes that changes are usually encapsulated in the classical theory of post‐industrialism, with regard to the information revolution. States there are two different information…


The end of jobs

T Kippenberger

Submits that ‘dejobbing’ has occurred because of a variety of factors — which are listed out — but new technology is causing shifts in part‐time and temporary work and away from…

The scouring effect of change

T Kippenberger

Declares that, although employees and employers used to have a work relationship, with regard to mutual interest and lifetime employment through good performance and loyalty, this…

To thrive you’ll need to be resilient

T Kippenberger

Contends that while it is now unrealistic to offer lifetime agreements, employers attract talent by implying that they have hope for a long‐term relationship — although the…


What are worksets?

T Kippenberger

Declares that too many employees either waste time and energy worrying about where the boundaries of their duties and responsibilities lie, or they are subject to initiative…

The diminishing need for a physical presence — moving work to the worker

T Kippenberger

Weighs up teleworking and telecommuting and their affect on today’s working environment — stating that if a job or major portions of it, does not intrinsically depend on the…


Breaking the executive hour‐glass

T Kippenberger

Investigates flexible working and how it affects workers — especially in the UK, where longer hours are worked than in continental Europe — though this is mostly put down to the…

Getting and keeping the best people

T Kippenberger

Addresses retention of top staff and discusses how to do this for the benefit of both parties — especially for senior executives. Believes recognition of talent is very important…




Online date, start – end:

1996 – 2000

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged to become:

Strategy & Leadership