Online Information Review: Volume 33 Issue 1


Table of contents

Professional community networks: Has f2f gone the way of Morse code?

G.E. Gorman

This article aims to analyse the design of community systems in two real‐world professional communities that employ a mix of communication modes, that is, face‐to‐face…


Attitudes' hierarchy of effects in online user behaviour

J. Alberto Castañeda, Miguel A. Rodríguez, Teodoro Luque

The purpose of this article is to analyse the impact of the internet, as a new information channel for the consumer, on business results, and in particular, the consequences of…


PIM @ academia: how e‐mail is used by scholars

Eric Zimmerman, Judit Bar‐Ilan

The purpose of this paper is to look at measures of e‐mail use and e‐mail management among academic faculty in relation to research productivity. The aim is to report only on…

Visual analysis of obesity‐related query terms on HealthLink

Jin Zhang, Dietmar Wolfram

The purpose of this article is to investigate obesity‐related queries from a public health portal (HealthLink) transaction log.

MySpace comments

Mike Thelwall

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of social network comments to give a broad overview to serve as a baseline for future research.


Online accessibility concerns in shaping consumer relationships in the automotive industry

Alan D. Smith

The purpose of this paper is to provide practitioners of management and information technology a sense of how the automobile industry uses the internet to market its products.


Evaluation of community web sites: A case study of the Community Social Planning Council of Toronto web site

Lan Anh Tran

The purpose of this paper is to explore an evaluation approach and to develop a model of web site evaluation that includes the specification of evaluation criteria, key issues to…

Behaviour analysis of internet survey completion using decision trees: An exploratory study

Che‐Chern Lin, Hung‐Jen Yang, Lung‐Hsing Kuo

The purpose of this paper is to explore teachers' behaviours in completing an internet survey using decision trees. Furthermore, to reduce the complexity of the decision trees, a…


Gender differences in reasons for frequent blog posting

Hsi‐Peng Lu, Kuo‐Lun Hsiao

This paper aims to improve understanding of what motivates individual blog owners to post information frequently on weblogs, and whether gender affects those motivations.


Patent informatics: The issue of relevance in full‐text patent document searches

Marica Starešinič, Bojana Boh

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of relevance in full‐text patent document searches from the viewpoint of end‐users in science and technology. It aims to present…


An overview of the e‐book marketplace

Magdalini Vasileiou, Richard Hartley, Jennifer Rowley

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the e‐book marketplace players and their services against a context in which e‐books are becoming an increasingly…


Searching for measurable benefits

Péter Jacsó

The purpose of this article is to review the alternatives and to demonstrate the easily measurable benefits of savvy searching for airfares.

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  • Professor Eugenia Siapera