Journal of Assistive Technologies: Volume 5 Issue 2


Table of contents

A new input system for disabled users involving eye gaze tracker and scanning interface

Pradipta Biswas, Pat Langdon

This paper aims to present a new input interaction system for people with severe disabilities. The new system works based on eye gaze tracking and single switch scanning…


The Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset: an inexpensive method of controlling assistive technologies using facial expressions and thoughts?

Robert Lievesley, Martin Wozencroft, David Ewins

The EPOC neuroheadset is a commercially available device that allows game players to control a computer using their facial expressions or their thoughts. This paper aims to…

What facilitates communication between people with little or no speech and general practitioners? A research project underway in Melbourne, Australia

Louise Greenstock, Brendon Wickham

This paper seeks to provide an overview of research that is currently underway at The University of Melbourne, Australia, exploring the ways in which people with little or no…


SPAs (smart phone applications) – a new form of assistive technology

Kevin Doughty

This paper seeks to describe how the special built‐in features of modern smart phones can be used to open up the potential of these devices for use as assistive technologies in…


Digital technologies: who benefits?

Jane Seale

This paper, reproduced with permission from the Economic and Social Research Council's Society Now magazine, aims to give the author's viewpoint on the benefits of digital




Online date, start – end:

2007 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited