Cross Cultural & Strategic Management: Volume 23 Issue 2

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Table of contents

Should Management Practice Adapt to Cultural Values? The Evidence Against Power Distance Adaptation

Alaka N. Rao, Jone L. Pearce

We focus on the cultural concept of power distance to test whether or not culture-practice fit or universal supervisory practices are associated with team collaboration…


‘Multiculturality’ as a Key Methodological Challenge during In-depth Interviewing in International Business Research

Ling Eleanor Zhang, David S. A. Guttormsen

Although qualitative methods have now gained a stronger foothold in International Business (IB) research, they remain under-researched, especially regarding how researchers can…


Competing in Complex Cross-Cultural World: Philosophical Insights from Yin-Yang

Yadong Luo, Qinqin Zheng

This article is a commentary on The “Global Implications of the Indigenous Epistemological System from the East: How to Apply Yin-Yang Balancing to Paradox Management” (Li, 2016)…


Values-Based Leadership Effectiveness in Culturally Diverse Workplaces

Willie Edward Hopkins, Susanne G. Scott

The extant literature is replete with suggestions, findings, etc., about how best to manage or lead a culturally diverse workforce. However, very few studies have focused…


Culture matters: The influence of national culture on inclusion climate

Sebastian Stoermer, Anna Katharina Hildisch, Fabian Jintae Froese

This paper develops a conceptual model in order to increase our understanding of the influence of national culture on the relationship between organizational diversity and…


International Strategy and Institutional Environments

Michael A. Hitt

Country institutions have become of heightened importance for firms’ international strategies in recent years. Herein, I review the reasons for the growing importance of…


Presenteeism as a global phenomenon: unraveling the psychosocial mechanisms from the perspective of social cognitive theory

Cary L Cooper, Luo Lu

Presenteeism occurs when people are physically present in the workplace but are functionally absent (Cooper, 1996). With evidence from the developed West, researchers have argued…


The effect of leadership styles, rank, and seniority on affective organizational commitment: A comparative study of U.S. and Korean employees

Gahye Hong, Youngsam Cho, Fabian Jintae Froese, Mannsoo Shin

The purpose of this study is to develop and empirically test a conceptual model based on the culturally endorsed implicit leadership theory to comprehend differences in the…


Better at Home, Abroad, Or Both? How Chinese Firms use Ambidextrous Internationalization Strategies to Drive Innovation

Christiane Prange, Olga Bruyaka

Existing research emphasized that Chinese firms gain experience and improve innovation capability through interaction with competitors at home (i.e., inside-out…

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  • Chinmay Pattnaik