International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow: Volume 26 Issue 7
Table of contents - Special Issue: 50th International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics (2015)
Guest Editors: Abderrahmane Baïri, Bruno Chanetz, Jean Delery, Jean-Denis Parisse
Modal analysis of jet near-field pressure fluctuation
Jean-Philippe Brazier, Maxime Huet, Olivier Léon, Maxime ItasseUnstable Kelvin-Helmholtz waves are suspected to be responsible for a large part of low-frequency noise radiation in high-speed jets. The purpose of this paper is to check the…
Cooling of a heating cylinder by confined impacting air jets
Nicolas Chauchat, Eric Schall, Mathieu Mory, Marta de la Llave Plata, Vincent G. CouaillierThe purpose of this paper is to investigate a new cooling process of a heated cylinder with confined impacting air jet.
Wind tunnel experimental investigations of a diffuser augmented wind turbine model
Krzysztof Olasek, Maciej Karczewski, Michal Lipian, Piotr Wiklak, Krzysztof JózwikA solution to increase the energy production rate of the wind turbine is proposed by forcing more air to move through the turbine working section. This can be achieved by…
Body-force modeling for aerodynamic analysis of air intake – fan interactions
William Thollet, Guillaume Dufour, Xavier Carbonneau, Florian BlancThe purpose of this paper is to explore a methodology that allows to represent turbomachinery rotating parts by replacing the blades with a body force field. The objective is to…
Mach number effects on buffeting flow on a half wing-body configuration
Fulvio Sartor, Sebastian TimmeThe purpose of this paper is to discuss a numerical study of the flow over a wing representative of a large civil aircraft at cruise condition. For each Mach number considered…
Influence of a plasma actuator on aerodynamic forces over a flat plate interacting with a rarefied Mach 2 flow
Sandra Coumar, Romain Joussot, Jean Denis Parisse, Viviana LagoThe purpose of this paper is to describe experimental and numerical investigations focussed on the shock wave modification induced by a dc glow discharge. The model is a flat…
Aerodynamic and acoustic analysis of helicopter main rotor blade tips in hover
Lyaysan Ildusovna Garipova, Andrei Sergeevich Batrakov, Alexander Nikolaevich Kusyumov, Sergey Anatolievich Mikhaylov, George BarakosThe design of main rotor blade tips is of interest to helicopter manufactures since the tip details affect the performance and acoustics of the rotor. The paper aims to discuss…
Unsteady free convection flow past a periodically accelerated vertical plate with Newtonian heating
M.C. Raju, S.V.K. Varma, A.J. ChamkhaThe purpose of this paper is to present an analytical study for a problem of unsteady free convection boundary layer flow past a periodically accelerated vertical plate with…
Cylindrical models of heat flow and thermo-elastic stresses in underground tunnels
Wei V. Liu, Derek B. Apel, Vivek S. BindiganavileThe trapped geothermal heat in the infinite rock mass through which mine tunnels are excavated is a great threat to the safety of personnel and mine operating equipment in deep…
Particle shape effects on Marangoni convection boundary layer flow of a nanofluid
R. Ellahi, A. Zeeshan, Mohsan HassanThe purpose of this paper is to study the particle shape effects on Marangoni convection boundary layer flow of a nanofluid. The paper aims to discuss diverse issues befell for…
A numerical investigation of dimple effects on internal heat transfer enhancement of a double wall cooling structure with jet impingement
Lei Luo, Chenglong Wang, Lei Wang, Bengt Ake Sunden, Sangtao WangThe dimple is adopted into a double wall cooling structure which is widely used in hot gas components to increase the heat transfer effects with relatively low pressure drop…
Boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian nanofluid over a non-linearly stretching sheet
Macha Madhu, Naikoti Kishan, A. ChamkhaThe purpose of this paper is to study the boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a power-law non-Newtonian nanofluid over a non-linearly stretching sheet.
An approximate solution of the MHD flows of UCM fluids over porous stretching sheets by rational Legendre collocation method
Abbas Saadatmandi, Zeinab SanatkarThe purpose of this paper is to develop an efficient method for solving the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow of an upper-convected Maxwell (UCM) fluid over a porous…
Non-uniform mass transfer in MHD mixed convection flow of water over a sphere with variable viscosity and Prandtl number
J. Rajakumar, P. Saikrishnan, A. ChamkhaThe purpose of this paper is to consider axisymmetric mixed convection flow of water over a sphere with variable viscosity and Prandtl number and an applied magnetic field.
Numerical study of turbulent forced convection in a finned tube with and without CuO nano fluid
Sahar A. Abbood, Bengt Ake SundenThe purpose of this paper is to carry out a numerical investigation to study forced convection for a tube with fins on the inner and outer surfaces with water as the base fluid…
Influence of Cattaneo-Christov heat flux in flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid with variable thermal conductivity
Fahad Munir Abbasi, Sabir Ali Shehzad, T. Hayat, A. Alsaedi, A. HegazyThe purpose of this paper is to introduce the Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model for an Oldroyd-B fluid.
Additional results for the problem of MHD boundary-layer flow past a stretching/shrinking surface
Ioan Pop, Natalia C. Roşca, Alin V. RoşcaThe purpose of this paper is to reinvestigate the problem of multiple similarity solutions of the two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic boundary-layer flow of an incompressible…

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- Prof Roland Lewis