International Journal of Manpower: Volume 32 Issue 3


An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economics

Table of contents - Special Issue: The labour market consequences of globalisation and regionalisation

Guest Editors: Ludo Cuyvers, Philippe De Lombaerde, Glenn Rayp

The labour market consequences of globalisation and regionalisation

Ludo Cuyvers, Philippe De Lombaerde, Glenn Rayp

This paper aims to introduce the subject of the impact of globalization and regionalization on the labour markets. The papers of the special issue are placed within this subject.


World inequality, globalisation, technology and labour market institutions

Michel Dumont, Nikolina Stojanovska, Ludo Cuyvers

The paper aims to assess to what extent the general trends with regard to world inequality can be explained by rising international economic integration, technological change and…


The efficiency wages perspective to wage rigidity in the open economy: a survey

Vesna Stavrevska

The purpose of the paper was to establish the implications of globalisation for labour markets when efficiency wages create endogenous wage rigidity and to re‐examine the…


The effects of Belgian outward direct investment in European high‐wage and low‐wage countries on employment in Belgium

Ludo Cuyvers, Reth Soeng

The paper aims at providing evidence on the impact on employment of outward foreign direct investment, particularly from developed countries into low‐wage countries, which is a…


Immigrant location and network effects: the Helvetic case

Nadiya Ukrayinchuk, Hubert Jayet

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is try to answer the following question: to which extent the observed location pattern is driven by network effects or by traditional location…


Globalisation and the emerging regional governance of labour rights

Bob Deacon, Philippe De Lombaerde, Maria Cristina Macovei, Sonja Schröder

This paper aims to review the case for improved (supra‐national) regional social and labour policies in principle, assess the extent to which existing regional associations of…

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  • Professor Adrian Ziderman