Online Information Review: Volume 40 Issue 6
Table of contents - Special Issue: Texting, tweeting and playing: sporting mega events in an online environment
Guest Editors: Yair Galily, Galen Clavio
Networked spectators: Social media conversation and moderation at the Olympic opening ceremony
Jenna JacobsonThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony with the goal of making a nuanced contribution to the discussion of online participation and engagement…
Sports reporters in the Twittersphere: Challenging and breaking down traditional conceptualizations of genderlect
Kent KaiserThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of a dual medium/content context – the one offered by the online Twitter communication (medium-context) of reporting on…
Al-Jazeera Sport’s US Twitter followers: sport-politics nexus?
Tsahi Hayat, Tal Samuel-Azran, Yair GalilyThe purpose of this paper is to contribute to analyses of the sport-politics nexus by identifying whether the demographics of Twitter followers of Al-Jazeera Sport in the USA…
Echo or organic: framing the 2014 Sochi Games
Evan Frederick, Ann Pegoraro, Lauren BurchThe purpose of this paper is to perform a comparative analysis of how traditional media and social media framed the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games.
A sentiment analysis of who participates, how and why, at social media sport websites: How differently men and women write about football
Marina Bagić Babac, Vedran PodobnikDue to an immense rise of social media in recent years, the purpose of this paper is to investigate who, how and why participates in creating content at football websites…
Online Chinese discussions about the 2014 World Cup
Yiyi Yang, Yuan Wang, Andrew C. BillingsThe purpose of this paper is to explore online discussions about the 2014 World Cup on the Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo. Because China did not qualify for the World…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Eugenia Siapera