Reference Services Review: Volume 45 Issue 2

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age

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Table of contents - Special Issue: Transfer Students and Students in Transition (Part I)

Guest Editors: Tammy Ivins

Getting out the truth: the role of libraries in the fight against fake news

Oliver Batchelor

The purpose of this paper is to inform library professionals on the issues, impact and methods of addressing misinformation in news.


Exploring motivation: integrating the ARCS model with instruction

Krista M. Reynolds, Lindsay Michelle Roberts, Janet Hauck

This paper aims to provide an overview of Keller’s ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction) model of motivational design and explores how three instruction…


Using information literacy to support teaching practicum students

Sara Maurice Whitver

Library literature is filled with studies that lament the challenges of the faculty–librarian relationship. While many examples of productive collaborations can be found in recent…


Digital research notebook: a simple tool for reflective learning

Julia A. Glassman, Douglas M. Worsham

This paper aims to outline the ongoing development, implementation and evaluation of a digital research notebook designed to support hybrid and online approaches to information…


Ready-to-go assessment: the implementation and design of a general assessment tool

Cara Berg

The purpose of this paper is to highlight an assessment tool that can be used for all information literacy classes.


Teaching research skills through embedded librarianship

Nadine Hoffman, Susan Beatty, Patrick Feng, Jennifer Lee

This pilot aims to study a way of integrating research and writing support into a university course along with content. Research and writing skills are not taught explicitly in…


A strengths-based approach to widening participation students in higher education

Sebastian Krutkowski

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the need for a pedagogical shift from “problems” to “possibilities”, which will help ease the transition of students into higher…


Adult transitional theory and transfer shock in higher education: practices from the literature

Tammy Ivins, Kimberly Copenhaver, Alyssa Koclanes

This paper aims to outline foundational research on adult transition theory and transfer shock in higher education to provide the reader with a theoretical and practical framework…


International students and information literacy: a systematic review

Meggan Houlihan, Claire Walker Wiley, Amanda B. Click

This study was designed to explore the library and information science research on international students and information literacy published between 1990 and 2014.


Information literacy needs of community college students in transition: a literature review

Elizabeth Nelson

This literature review aims to look at the unique role of community colleges as they address the information literacy needs of their students, who are by nature continuously in…


Are transfer students lagging behind in information literacy?

Min Tong, Carrie Moran

The purpose of this study was to assess the information literacy proficiency of transfer students. This assessment of skills was undertaken to improve the services provided to…


Understanding the transfer student experience using design thinking

Linda Whang, Christine Tawatao, John Danneker, Jackie Belanger, Stephen Edward Weber, Linda Garcia, Amelia Klaus

This paper aims to discuss a 2015-2016 University of Washington Libraries project focused on understanding the needs and challenges of transfer students on the Seattle campus and…


Agoge: an information literacy game for transfer students

Andrew Kearns, Breanne A. Kirsch, Virginia Cononie

This paper aims to describe a successful outreach to transfer students through an interactive information literacy game. While the main purpose of the game is to introduce…


A boutique personal librarian program for transfer students

Helene Lafrance, Shannon B. Kealey

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the planning, implementation and assessment of a personal librarian (PL) program for transfer students at a four-year private university…


Personal librarian program for transfer students: an overview

Amanda MacDonald, Suchi Mohanty

This paper aims to address the emergence of personal librarian programs and to discuss the development and implementation of the Personal Librarian for Transfer Students Program…

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  • Ms Sarah Barbara Watstein