Social Enterprise Journal: Volume 13 Issue 1

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Table of contents

The Hobby Lobby decision: legal formation for social enterprises made easier

Roger Reinsch, Raymond J. Jones, III, Randy Skalberg

The purpose of this study is to examine the choices social enterprises in the USA have about the legal formation of their business. Recently, new legal forms have been developed…


Social entrepreneurship research in Asia-Pacific: perspectives and opportunities

Subhanjan Sengupta, Arunaditya Sahay

This paper aims to facilitate researchers, academicians and entrepreneurs gain insights on the social entrepreneurship concept and future research opportunities in the context of…


Analyzing external environment factors affecting social enterprise development

Michelle Medina Munro, Charles Belanger

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how factors in the external environment affect social enterprise (SE) development in Canada. With the decline in government funding for…


Tell me your financing and I tell you who you are: Organizations’ strategies and project funds’ effectiveness

Anne Margarian

This paper aims to identify criteria for the better targeting of public funding for private social activities and organizations. As a starting point, it proposes that financing…


Social innovation practices in the regional tourism industry: case study of a cooperative in Brazil

Carlos Quandt, Alex Ferraresi, Claudineia Kudlawicz, Janaína Martins, Ariane Machado

This paper aims to analyze the main elements of the process of social innovation by using a case of a tourism cooperative created by an underprivileged community in Northeastern…


Social and solidarity economics in India and Brazil

Leandro Pereira Morais, Anup Dash, Miguel Juan Bacic

The purpose of this paper is to present the policies in the field of social and solidarity economics (SSE) in India and in Brazil, to draw a comparison between them and to present…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Michael Roy