RAUSP Management Journal: Volume 54 Issue 4 , Open Access


Table of contents - Special Issue: Research Methods in Management: advances and applications

Guest Editors: Marlei Pozzebon, Diógenes de Souza Bido

Flesh-and-blood knowing: Interpreting qualitative data through embodied practice-based research

Marcelo de Souza Bispo, Silvia Gherardi

This paper aims to offer a perspective to interpret qualitative data drawing on the introduction of the notion of “embodied practice-based research”.


Phenomenography’s contribution to organizational studies based on a practice perspective

Sandra Regina da Rocha-Pinto, Leandro Schoemer Jardim, Samantha Luiza De Souza Broman, Maria Isabel Peixoto Guimaraes, Carlos Frederico Trevia

This paper aims to propose the phenomenography as an approach that may contribute to the organizational studies based on the practice perspective, considering that it analyzes the…


Qualitative comparative analysis: justifying a neo-configurational approach in management research

Tobias Coutinho Parente, Ryan Federo

The purpose of this paper is to critically reflect and offer insights on how to justify the use of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) as a research method for understanding…


“The interviews were transcribed”, but how? Reflections on management research

Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Fernanda Kalil Steinbruch

In qualitative research, it is recurrent to conduct data collection through interviews, which must be first transcribed for the data to be analyzed. Although there is a…


Bayesian factor analysis for mixed data on management studies

Pedro Albuquerque, Gisela Demo, Solange Alfinito, Kesia Rozzett

Factor analysis is the most used tool in organizational research and its widespread use in scale validations contribute to decision-making in management. However, standard factor…


Insider econometrics: a guide to management scholars

Thomaz Teodorovicz, Sandro Cabral, Sergio Lazzarini

This paper aims to present a new trend in management research: the Insider Econometrics approach.


Multilevel modeling for longitudinal data: concepts and applications

Joseph F. Hair Jr., Luiz Paulo Fávero

This paper aims to discuss multilevel modeling for longitudinal data, clarifying the circumstances in which they can be used.


Development and validation of attitudes measurement scales: fundamental and practical aspects

Joseph F. Hair, Marcelo L.D.S. Gabriel, Dirceu da Silva, Sergio Braga Junior

This paper aims to present the fundamental aspects for the development and validation (D&V) of attitudes’ measurement scale, as well as its practical aspects that are not deeply…


Estimating Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood rather than log-linear model of a log-transformed dependent variable

Victor Motta

The purpose of this study is to account for a recent non-mainstream econometric approach using microdata and how it can inform research in business administration. More…


Impact evaluation using Difference-in-Differences

Anders Fredriksson, Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira

This paper aims to present the Difference-in-Differences (DiD) method in an accessible language to a broad research audience from a variety of management-related fields.


Network analysis: emergence, criticism and recent trends

Charles Kirschbaum

Network analysis is a well consolidated research area in several disciplines. Within management and organizational studies, network scholars consolidated a set of research…


Reflections about Garfield’s algorithm

Laura Sinay, Maria Cristina Fogliatti de Sinay, Rodney William (Bill) Carter, Aurea Martins

The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the influence of the algorithm used on scholarly search engines (Garfield’s algorithm) and propose metrics to improve it so that…