British Food Journal: Volume 97 Issue 6


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The new Europe: an overview

Catherine Morton

The forces shaping the “new Europe” are many andvaried. The changes will test food manufacturers to the limits. Ifappropriate strategies are to be developed, a clear understanding…


CIS and eastern Europe: the threat or opportunity for the western company

Andrew Cunliffe

While all the global food manufacturers are in evidence across theCIS and eastern Europe, all have different reasons for entering themarket. Classifies the food manufacturers…


Marketing in the new Europe

Irena Jakubowski

Looks at the opportunities for food manufacturers created by thechanges in Europe. Provides analyses of the changing trends in marketingfor: the food manufacturing industry; the…


Retailing and distribution in the new Europe

Ian Lyle

Considers the issues affecting retail and distribution in the newEurope. Analyses ways in which retailing will change in the nextcentury. Classifies the retail distribution chain…


The challenge of operating in the new Europe: case study – fresh produce

Helen Grant

Describes the composition of the fresh produce supply industry,including the organizations involved in this sector, such as marketingboards, integrated fruit companies, and…


The challenge of operating in the new Europe: case study – the dairy sector

Helen Grant

Suggests that one of the keys to success within the European dairyindustry over the next decade will be the development of an ability toreact quickly to change. Identifies the…


The challenge of operating in the new Europe: case study – snackfoods

Irena Jakubowski

Identifies three main player types in the European snackfoodindustry: followers, fliers and financiers. Describes thecharacteristics of each group. Analyses the forces for change…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris