Executive Development: Volume 4 Issue 2


Table of contents

Training for leadership

David Gilbert‐Smith

Defines leadership as winning the hearts and minds of people toachieve a common purpose. Discusses training for leadership as involvingthe “inner person”, the inner mental…


Training Soviet managers at Sunbridge Park

George Metcalfe

Describes the training of senior managers from the Soviet Ladaautomobile plant in a UK management centre. Notes the need for intensivecultural and technical briefing and…


Integrity and credibility for management success

David Freemantle

Considers that managerial competence is a function of integrity andcredibility. Argues for open management style from board level.Discusses the need to examine weakness as well as…


Executive Explorers

John Blashford‐Snell

Describes an executive development initiative in the Kalaharidesert run by Operation Raleigh. Aided by a professional managementtrainer senior UK executives used daily experiences…


Graduate Management education in Europe: The view from America

James L Porter, Helen J Muller, Robert R Rehder

Provides an American perspective on European management education.Describes how, in Europe, management education, without rigid USaccreditation standards, is conceptualized…


Developing Women Managers at British Telecom

Sandy Cotter, Kim James, Donna Lucas, Susan Vinnicombe

Describes a management development programme for women, run byCranfield School of Management for British Telecom. Focuses on four mainthemes: values and philosophy underpinning…


Making the wrong choice – Part two: Executive assessment

Randall P White, David L DeVries

Explains that eliminating failures in senior‐level selection canonly be achieved by laying a solid groundwork in particular in thetransition from middle manager to general…


Developing the 1992 Euro Manager

Nick Kelly

Defines the successful Euro manager as someone who is comfortablein managing and challenging diversity, in particular the differencesbetween people of different cultures. Suggests…


Team building through training at SC Johnson Wax

Jan Jewers

Reports on a programme designed to produce an effective,successful, action‐orientated team from a group of long servingindividuals representing a variety of departments. Describes…




Online date, start – end:

1989 – 1995

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Emerald Publishing Limited