Safer Communities: Volume 15 Issue 1


A journal on crime, crime prevention and community safety

Table of contents

Police and crime commissioners: emerging “drug policy actors”?

Liz Austen

In 2013, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Durham, Ron Hogg, initiated a debate around the future of British drug policy. In June 2015, the Derbyshire PCC, Alan Charles…

Youth in the UK: 99 problems but the gang ain ' t one?

Hannah Smithson, Rob Ralphs

At a time when youth gangs and gang policy feature significantly in the discourse on UK youth, it is judicious to critique the framework and evidence upon which these policy…


Towards an intersectional model of desistance for black offenders

Martin Glynn

Desistance is increasingly conceptualised as a theoretical construct which is used to explain how offenders orient themselves away from committing crimes. Previous studies suggest…


Managing offenders: establishing the impact of incarceration and what works in Singapore

Joyce P.S. Chan, Douglas P. Boer

This paper seeks to explore deeper into this subject in search of a new manner that can better aid ex-offenders to reintegrate back into society. The purpose of this paper is to…

Combination of CPTED and space syntax for the analysis of crime

Irina Matijosaitiene

The purpose of this paper is to combine both Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and space syntax for the more detailed and overall analysis of built environment…

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  • Timi Osidipe