Management Decision: Volume 28 Issue 8


Table of contents

Market Opportunity Analysis for Emerging Technologies

N. Mohan Reddy

Speeding technology to market, and to the rightmarket, is increasingly held out as the hallmarkof well run technology‐based organisations. Thispaper details an inexpensive…

Quality – and How to Achieve It

Phillip M. Heath

This article discusses the nature of qualityachievement in industry. The characteristics of theJapanese approach to quality and management areexamined, and the importance of…

The Role of the Architect in Training and Development

Abby Day, John Peters

Architecture is emerging as an important conceptin training and development. This covers all thedesign elements necessary for effectiveimplementation and results – ensuring…

Marketing Redefined

Christian Grönroos

The generally accepted means of implementingthe marketing concept is the model of themarketing mix (or the 4Ps). But despite its almostuniversal application, this model is highly…


Successful Supply‐Chain Management

Graham C. Stevens

The supply chain is the flow of both informationand material through a manufacturing company,from the supplier to the customer. Traditionallythe flow of material has been…


Understanding and Managing Informal Groups

Raef T. Hussein

Informal work‐groups are described, and theircharacteristics and development are discussed.They are compared with formal groups which aredefined by the structure of the…


Reducing the Capitalist Bias in Marketing

Alf H. Walle

The marketing function is potentially a stumblingblock to joint ventures between the East and Westbecause marketing is conceived of andimplemented in very different ways in these…

Going Public – A Corporate Public Relations Strategy

David R. Walker

Public relations is a management process. Whenan organisation decides to “go public”, theprocess becomes an essential aspect in influencingthe success of the flotation.Views from…

Principles of Business Ethics: Their Role in Decision Making and an Initial Consensus

Archie B. Carroll

This article describes how ethical principles canbe used in the decision‐making process. Itdescribes a survey conducted amongst a groupof managers and business students, who…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)