International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 32 Issue 9


Table of contents - Special Issue: 30 years of IJSE: Festschrift in honour of Professor John O'Brien: part 10

Guest Editors: Professor Barrie Pettman

The speed of adjustment and the sequencing of economic reforms: Issues and guidelines for policymakers

Saleh M. Nsouli, Mounir Rached, Norbert Funke

The purpose of the paper is to review the issues involved in determining the appropriate speed of adjustment and the sequencing of economic reforms, and to develop a checklist of…


Economic analysis of food‐borne diseases control program in Australia

Shahjahan Ali Khandaker, Mohammad Alauddin

Food safety is an important means for controlling food‐borne diseases. While there are various procedures for food safety, HACCP‐based procedure has been considered as an…


Hindered growth: the ideology and implications of population assistance

Maria Sophia Aguirre, Cecilia A. Hadley

This paper aims to highlight the role of the United Nations in the formulation and implementation of the current understanding of “population assistance” and examine some of the…


China's ethnic minorities and the middle classes: an overview

Colin Mackerras

The paper aims to discover the role of the middle classes in the development of the ethnic minorities of China, given the importance of the middle classes in international…


The relevance of Marx to all students of economics, no matter the level

Nick Potts

To challenge the validity/usefulness of teaching mainstream neo‐classical/new‐classical economics, by contending that Marx provides a superior understanding of the essential…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett