International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 11 Issue 4


Table of contents

The relationship between information technology and service quality in the dual‐direction supply chain: A case study approach

George A. Zsidisin, Minjoon Jun, Laural L. Adams

Providing high levels of service quality to customers has become a necessity for companies to remain competitive in the marketplace. This paper reports the findings from a case…


Service‐driven global supply chains

William E. Youngdahl, Arvinder P.S. Loomba

Value‐added services expand manufacturing organizations’ ability to compete beyond traditional measures of manufacturing competitiveness such as cost, quality, flexibility, and…


Customer‐supplier duality and bidirectional supply chains in service organizations

Scott E. Sampson

Supply chains are quite easy to define for manufacturing organizations where each participant in the chain receives inputs from a set of suppliers, processes those inputs, and…


Efficient consumer response as a supply chain strategy for grocery businesses

Joyce M. Hoffman, Satish Mehra

Quickly responding to customer needs has become a major priority for retail businesses such as grocery operations. Customer satisfaction is an absolute for staying competitive in…


Role of third party logistic services in customization through postponement

Remko I. van Hoek

Mass customization is coming to the forefront of international supply chains and this is contributing to an increasing focus on postponement in international channels. Third party…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited